Health and Social Care Solutions

Whether you’re a caregiver, an insurer, or a patient, our goal is to help you make breakthroughs in how you deliver, fund, and receive care.


    Healthcare providers perform truly amazing work, and our role as technologists is to help them continue to perform that work with optimal efficiency and efficacy. While the introduction of technology can sometimes be disruptive to industries with rich histories, with time, it quickly becomes a core part of daily workflows—enabling higher productivity across the entire continuum of care.

    Key areas that Ready Computing aids providers with are:

    ● Coordinated Care

    ● EMR and EHR Integration

    ● Health Information Exchange

    ● Population Health Management


    Health plans are continually optimizing the patient care process, especially as the logistical distance between payers and their providers shrinks. When health plans and provider organizations collaborate more, the patient’s overall care process and health outcomes dramatically improve.

    One of the most groundbreaking movements sparked by the payer-provider collaboration is the reinvention of the process by which care is funded. By evolving from a fee-for-service model to a fee-for-value model, public and private payers are incentivizing providers to deliver a better standard of care that better supports the patient’s well-being over the bottom line. As a result, clinical processes are being performed more organically—providing patients with better care while concurrently alleviating excess burdens of the healthcare system.

    Key areas that Ready Computing aids payers with are:

    Health Information Exchange

    Case Management/Gaps in Care


    Patients are rapidly assuming more accountability for their health and becoming a more integral part of the care process. As a result, they are taking proactive and reactive measures to treat health conditions and stay healthy. Advancements in IT permit patients and doctors to communicate more effectively than ever before.

    Ready Computing helps patients and their families by supporting and working on high-impact projects and initiatives that facilitate active participation in the personal care process.

    Key areas that Ready Computing aids patients with are:

    ● Appointment Scheduling

    ● Home-Health Monitoring and Device Integration

    ● Knowledge Modules

    ● Personal Health Records

    ● Privacy and Consent

    ● Secure Patient-Provider Messaging

    Medical Devices

    Ready Computing has experienced developers that can collaborate with Medical Device vendors on custom solutions. Our QMS services offer complete control of all project documentation and policies using a system that is compliant with federal regulations to provide traceability, cybersecurity, risk mitigation, and trust.

    Standards, Education, and Meaningful Use

    We consider ourselves true “standards-geeks.” As proud members of various standard-based organizations, we help create the standards we implement. Not only are we well-versed in standards, but we are professors of our own craft—taking the time to teach our clients how best to navigate the ever-changing industry standards. This approach instills a deep sense of confidence within our clients and helps to ensure that the software they’ve developed or implemented will not only work but will also be compliant with industry recommendations and best practices.

    Key areas that Ready Computing supports standards, education, and MU with are:

    ● DirectTrust

    ● Classroom or Web-based Training

    ● IHE

    ● Meaningful Use

    ● The Sequoia Project

    Want to Learn More About
    How Ready Computing Can Support Your IT Initiatives?
    Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation